Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Myth of Bulking

Here?s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Today?s topic: Bulking

What is?bulking?

In a nutshell,? bulking occurs when?eating at a?caloric?surplus?to gain muscle mass. However, in reality it?s just overeating resulting in fat gain.

On the left: What you expect from bulking; On the right: What you will actually look like after you bulk up.

Once you start thinking about bulking, you will realize that anyone who chooses to follow this approach is basically throwing away logic in the name of impatience.

We are naturally impatient so the idea of eating like it?s your job for the sake of gaining more muscle is tempting, but goes against the reality of how your body really builds muscle.

So why do so?many people try to bulk up??If it doesn?t work,? why is it still presented as the standard way of building?muscle?by?conventional fitness media?

The answer is quite simple, because this concept is highly profitable to certain companies? and individuals.? It?s impossible to?bulk up?by yourself.??You will need a trainer to tell you exactly what to eat and supplements to take??and the rest of the story?is self-explanatory.?

In today?s episode John Barban and Brad Pilon talk about the conspiracy supporting the concept of bulking.

They will expose the fitness industry and show you that almost everyone is working against you and why it?s important to be aware of the truth if you hope to ever get in shape and build your ideal body.

Ever gotten this answer: ?Just eat a lot bro and you will be big like me?? Today you will find out?the real?truth.

In today?s UNCENSORED training, you will also discover:

  • You will find out 3 reasons why there is something we call a ?bulking conspiracy? that keeps this myth alive
  • You will understand how the people you meet every day in the gym are making it easy for your to fall for this myth
  • You will get your final answer on whether excess calories help you build more muscle or not (hint: there is a big difference in ?make? vs ?allow?).
  • You will know what happens to testosterone and growth hormone when you eat a lot of?calories?(this in fact proves that bulking is a bad idea and possibly dangerous to your health)
  • You will discover why trainers are forced to bulk you up (wanna take a guess why is that?)
  • You will find out why guys on steroids will not ever tell you they are on drugs (hint: and it?s most likely not because it?s illegal)
  • You will discover whether you can?build muscle while ?cutting??

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