Sunday, November 18, 2012

Maine?s striking Hostess workers say company?s collapse a strong message of union resolve

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Maine?s striking Hostess
workers say company?s
collapse a strong
message of union resolve

Bangor Daily News [Maine], by?Seth Koenig
Original Article
Posted By:Dreadnought, 11/17/2012 12:54:40 AM
BIDDEFORD, Maine ? Labor leaders in Maine say the resilience of the Hostess workers on the picket line at the company?s Biddeford plant, which is in the process of being shut down after the company on Friday said it would liquidate the business, gives them inspiration in the face of what they believe have been ongoing efforts ? by politicians, including Gov. Paul LePage, and corporate investors ? to reduce union influence. Bakers? union officials and their supporters say also that the demise

Reply 1 - Posted by: Kendet1946, 11/17/2012 12:59:41 AM?????(No. 9019828)

Truly delusional, so blind. How can they celebrate losing their livelihood?

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kendet1946, 11/17/2012 1:03:43 AM?????(No. 9019831)

From reading another site, it seems that the true objective is for the state to take ownership, as in the former Soviet Union.

Reply 3 - Posted by: coldoc, 11/17/2012 1:03:46 AM?????(No. 9019832)

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Garage Logician, 11/17/2012 1:04:14 AM?????(No. 9019833)


These products will soon be produced in a right to work state.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Evocatus, 11/17/2012 1:05:53 AM?????(No. 9019834)

This does not increase my support for unions one whit. In fact, I find this point of view to be vicious and pathetic at the same time.

The business units will be sold in whole or piecemeal and will be resurrected as a new company, probably without union representation.

If union workers worked as hard as they whined for pay and benefits, all would be well. So often, union workers use the union to do as little work as possible for as much compensation as possible.

The hell with them. Many of us will vote against their extortions at every opportunity.

Reply 6 - Posted by: asu86pe, 11/17/2012 1:09:23 AM?????(No. 9019838)

Unions: Proud to be the catalyst of a beggar nation.

Unions used to be concerned with the progress of the host company. Now their aim is collapse the host company.

What?s next - Fascism?

Reply 7 - Posted by: Gallo3, 11/17/2012 1:11:28 AM?????(No. 9019840)

Unions= Cancer

Reply 8 - Posted by: GoodGrief, 11/17/2012 1:15:07 AM?????(No. 9019849)

#2 perfectly describes liberals.

Cartoonists should start depicting them with little plus signs for their eyes. An asterisk would carry the reader/viewer to #2?s post.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Th-Gr-Sil-Majority, 11/17/2012 1:18:08 AM?????(No. 9019854)

...ahhh, union resolve. Guess what...YOU?RE ALL OUT OF WORK!

...I have no fear that Twinkies and HO HO?s will find new life. For the workers, not so sure. When you read of how management wanted to strealine so work practices, not so out of line...

...there is no blaming Bush for the NEW 0bama economy...

Reply 10 - Posted by: GoodGrief, 11/17/2012 1:18:24 AM?????(No. 9019855)

So sorry, I miscued, That should have been #3.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Japanorama, 11/17/2012 1:19:14 AM?????(No. 9019856)

I believe the diagnosis here is cutting off one?s nose to spite one?s face.

Reply 12 - Posted by: dvc, 11/17/2012 1:19:26 AM?????(No. 9019857)

OK, so you destroy the company, put yourselves out of work and then you consider it to be a good thing.

And finally - blame it on managment and Romney.

Exhibit 246 in the "Liberalism is a mental disorder" case.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Kurto, 11/17/2012 1:25:38 AM?????(No. 9019860)

These unionistas are stuck on stupid. They voted for 0boohoo and now they can get in his unemployment lines. They have proven only that they can shoot themselves in the head. Big accomplishment, not.

#2 Wonder is privately held = no SEC/government involvement. They have determined to sell off all of their assets, so state involvement will not happen. Other bloggers, elsewhere, are talking about an employee owned Wonder. That will not happen either. The employees did not cooperate with the company, and the company will not cooperate with the employees.

Reply 14 - Posted by: annie xango, 11/17/2012 1:28:17 AM?????(No. 9019862)

Hostess brand will be purchased..and one can assume that it will be in a right to work state.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Pinchem, 11/17/2012 1:59:16 AM?????(No. 9019881)

#14...or China or Mexico.

Reply 16 - Posted by: carolina blue, 11/17/2012 1:59:19 AM?????(No. 9019882)

Come on down south we will welcome you with open arms. leave your obama phones up north tho......

Reply 17 - Posted by: RochFireball, 11/17/2012 2:04:52 AM?????(No. 9019885)

Well, you guys sure showed the company didn?t you. They went under and now you?re all fired!

It reminds me of the "I?m going to shoot the sheriff" moment in Blazing Saddles, only this time, the company let the sheriff shoot himself

Reply 18 - Posted by: noproblems, 11/17/2012 2:08:01 AM?????(No. 9019887)

Ya, and I am sure the steelworkers in Pittsburgh in the late 70?s and early 80?s said the same thing.

Reply 19 - Posted by: flatwater, 11/17/2012 2:09:07 AM?????(No. 9019890)

These union parasites infected their host and then killed it....

....and they?re proud of it.

God, how I hate you union filth, from the brainless thugs at Hostess to the vile pieces of excrement who comprise New York and New Jersey?s utility "workers."

Go straight to hell, all of you.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Ida Lil, 11/17/2012 2:12:34 AM?????(No. 9019894)

The jobless workers expect to be paid by the union because they are owed for destroying their employer.
Good luck there folks your union benefits will run out quickly when no dues are pouring into the coffer.
Some really must have thought the company didn?t dare shut down because the Union told them it couldn?t..

Reply 21 - Posted by: snakeoil, 11/17/2012 2:22:58 AM?????(No. 9019898)

Now they get unemployment compensation.

Reply 22 - Posted by: tomanderson61, 11/17/2012 2:24:06 AM?????(No. 9019899)

I was going to agree and question how people could throw their jobs and their very company away.

Oh, and then I realized, 1/2 this country wants to throw their country away. My bad.

You know who I feel sorry for? The small percentage of non-union conservatives that worked for that company, that just wanted to go to work and support their families.

The rest of you? I agree with the writer above. You can go to hell. You are everything wrong with the country, from your vote, your jobs, and your belief system. Have fun shopping at the Dollar Tree for your Christmas gifts this year, may your child be safe from the lead poisoning in that junk. May they be taken away by CPS because your house is freezing with no heat. They might have a chance with someone else.

Go freeze to death. You can always dream about the Obamas and the fine fare they eat. Oh, just remember, if you really get hungry you can swallow a handful of free birth control pills, I hear they contain a small amount of sucrose.

Don?t eat the yellow snow.

Reply 23 - Posted by: CEP, 11/17/2012 2:34:32 AM?????(No. 9019906)

So these union folk think they won by putting the company out of business?

Reply 24 - Posted by: geekrunner, 11/17/2012 2:44:48 AM?????(No. 9019910)

IIRC out of app. 18,000 Hostess employees, only 5000 were unionized. So the union screwed over 13,000 non-union people.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Mike PHX, 11/17/2012 2:58:01 AM?????(No. 9019913)

Duh...we got dem on da run...duh...we kin trust r leeders...duh...dey give us good wage....
Whut u mean, no show up Mundy? Mundy need hours.

Reply 26 - Posted by: iamtinman, 11/17/2012 3:07:45 AM?????(No. 9019916)

As an ex Maine-er I can testify that they are difficult to teach.

They should have learned the dangers of unions after the disastrous results of the shoe business and the Bates Mills in Lewiston who moved lock stock and barrel to southern states leaving Saco and Lewiston without their largest industries and making Maine a welfare state whose biggest export is young people who can?t find work.

I loved that state. What?s been done to it is shameful!

Reply 27 - Posted by: vwlarry, 11/17/2012 3:14:26 AM?????(No. 9019919)

It?s good to know that the AFL-CIO will be there to help the thousands of Hostess workers who are now unemployed through this difficult time.

...Just kidding.

Reply 28 - Posted by: liberalslovetaxes, 11/17/2012 3:36:53 AM?????(No. 9019923)

They?ll gladly sit back and accept an unemployment check instead of go to work. Makes me think they didn?t work that hard when they were employed.

Reply 29 - Posted by: janylou, 11/17/2012 3:51:53 AM?????(No. 9019931)

How?s that whole resolve thing working out for you?

Reply 30 - Posted by: Trigger2, 11/17/2012 3:52:20 AM?????(No. 9019932)

Well, that ?union resolve? just got them on the unemployment roll and must mean that welfare for free is more lucrative than actually working for wages.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Spidey, 11/17/2012 4:32:09 AM?????(No. 9019949)

If Twinkies become collector?s items,you could still eat one 20 years from now if your un short on food.

The reason these people are forced to lose their jobs is they don?t want a domino effect in other industries.A private company can?t loot the taxpayers unless of course you?re part of the UAW.
Unfortunately,a lot of non union folks are going to lose their job due to Obamacare.

This really isn?t any different than unions blocking walmarts from opening,even though they would give shoppers more choices and cheaper prices and give poor people jobs.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Edgelady, 11/17/2012 5:18:20 AM?????(No. 9019961)

There is indeed two Americas.

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Maine?s striking Hostess
workers say company?s
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Bangor Daily News [Maine], by Seth Koenig??? Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/17/2012 12:54:40 AM ??? Post Reply
BIDDEFORD, Maine ? Labor leaders in Maine say the resilience of the Hostess workers on the picket line at the company?s Biddeford plant, which is in the process of being shut down after the company on Friday said it would liquidate the business, gives them inspiration in the face of what they believe have been ongoing efforts ? by politicians, including Gov. Paul LePage, and corporate investors ? to reduce union influence. Bakers? union officials and their supporters say also that the demise
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Hostess going out of business;
nearly 18,000 to be laid off

KDFW [DFW TX], by Alice Wolke??? Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/16/2012 7:46:17 AM ??? Post Reply
IRVING, Texas - Say goodbye to your Twinkies. North Texas-based Hostess Brands, Inc. has decided to go out of business and liquidate its assets after failing to win back striking workers. The company posted a statement on a website set up specifically for people following the strike. "We deeply regret the necessity of today?s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike," said Gregory F. Rayburn, chief executive officer. "Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders.
Rep. King: Petraeus testified
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From Rice?s Cia Talking Points

Breitbart's Big Peace, by John Nolte??? Original Article
Posted By: drive- 11/16/2012 11:13:01 AM ??? Post Reply
Republican Congressman Peter King just exited the closed-door hearing with David Petraeus to update the media, and his description of the ex-CIA Chief?s testimony contained more than one bombshell. For starters, King said Petraeus told them that the CIA talking points meant for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice?s Sept. 16 round robin of five Sunday network news shows, originally contained the information that there was evidence al-Qaeda elements were involved in the attack. These talking points were then altered through "an inter-agency process."
House Women Mock McCain
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CNS News, by Matt Cover??? Original Article
Posted By: Vastrightwingconspirator- 11/16/2012 2:38:53 PM ??? Post Reply
At a press conference of female House Democrats pushing back against Sen. John McCain?s (R-Ariz.) criticism of Ambassador Susan Rice?s false explanation of the Benghazi terror attack, Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wisc.) mocked McCain?s choice of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) as his running mate in 2008. ?It?s very difficult to recruit qualified women, and Sen. McCain should know that,? Moore said at a Capitol Hill press conference Friday, prompting laughter from the other women members on the stage.
Headline resplit by staff.
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Boston Herald, by Ira Kantor??? Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 11/16/2012 2:58:00 PM ??? Post Reply
Hostess Brands Inc., whose sweet treat roster includes Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Ho?s, filed a motion today in bankruptcy court seeking permission to shut down its business and sell its assets, including its iconic brands and facilities. The company, based in Irving, Texas, is moving ?promptly? to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce, which includes nearly 300 workers at 13 Hostess facilities in Massachusetts, and has suspended bakery operations at all its plants, said company CEO Gregory F. Rayburn. The company?s board of directors authorized the wind down of Hostess Brands after one of its largest unions,
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WASHINGTON -- A dozen female members of the House staunchly defended U.N. ambassador Susan Rice against Republican criticism over her remarks on the deadly Sept. 11 Libya attack, suggesting the GOP lawmakers? comments were racist and sexist. "It is a shame that anytime something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities," Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, the next chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, told reporters Friday at a Capitol Hill news conference. Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham earlier this week called Rice untrustworthy and unqualified to be the nation?s top diplomat if
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Posted By: StormCnter- 11/16/2012 5:03:32 AM ??? Post Reply
Breitbart quotes a tweet by CNN correspondent Frances Townsend claiming information by Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr that David Petraeus will testify that he knew the attack on the Benghazi consulate was terrorism ?almost immediately.? The ?same source? claims he will say Susan Rice?s talking points ascribing the attack to a video came from the White House. If Petraeus really does testify to this effect, he will inescapably be alleging under oath that the president was a liar. Even if the testimony is restricted strictly to Benghazi and not its aftermath, the crucial question remains: did the president abandon?
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LAS VEGAS ? Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a possible Republican presidential contender in 2016, is leveling strong criticism at Mitt Romney?s theory of why President Obama won, and Romney lost, the presidential election. In a conference call with donors Wednesday, Romney said Obama won votes by offering enticing ?gifts? to key Democratic voting groups like blacks, Hispanics, and the young. Subsidized health care, cheaper student loans, free contraceptives ? those were all things Romney said Obama gave those constituencies in order to win support at the polls.

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