Friday, November 30, 2012

Bill OK'd requiring search warrant for email

16 hrs.

The Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday approved legislation that would require police to obtain a search warrant from a judge, and not just a subpoena from a prosecutor,?before accessing the content of all emails and other private information from Google, Yahoo and other Internet providers. Under the current law, the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act, a warrant is needed only for emails less than 6 months old.

The full Senate is expected to vote on the legislation next year.

"This is an important gain for privacy," said Chris Calabrese, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, in a statement. "We are very happy that the committee voted that all electronic content like emails, photos and other communications held by companies like Google and Facebook should be protected with a search warrant.?We believe law enforcement should use the same standard to search your inbox that they do to search your home."

Still, the bill won't keep federal agents from combing through your inbox if they believe a crime has been committed, legal experts say. Federal and state authorities still will have a robust set of tools to track down lawbreakers even as these officials oppose changes supported by a broad coalition of technology companies and public interest groups.

Supporters of the bill, sponsored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., say the changes are necessary to overhaul a law that is outdated in an era of cloud computing, cheaper electronic storage, social networking and wireless phones. Such advances in technology have dramatically increased the amount of stored communications in ways no one anticipated a quarter of a century ago.

The approval is "a major step forward in efforts to reform the Electronic Communications Privacy Act The current law must be updated to address the tremendous technological advances that have taken place in the last 25 years. Congress must ensure that information Americans store in the cloud receives the same level of protection as the information stored in their homes," said?David LeDuc, senior director of public policy for the Software & Information Industry Association trade group.

The Justice Department has resisted the changes. The associate deputy attorney general, James Baker, urged the committee last year to consider the adverse impact on criminal and national security investigations if a warrant were the only means for law enforcement officials to obtain emails and other digital files.

But setting the bar higher doesn't prevent law enforcement agencies from doing their jobs, according to current and former prosecutors, judges and attorneys who specialize in privacy issues. Federal law enforcement authorities in four Midwestern and Southern states have been working with the more demanding warrant requirement since 2010 after an appeals court ruled warrantless access to emails was unconstitutional. To get a warrant, a judge must have proof of probable cause that a crime is being committed.

"I don't see anything (in the Senate bill) that's going to seriously concern law enforcement in terms of our ability to request warrants and to get the contents of the material that we need," said Joseph Cassilly, the state's attorney in Harford County, Md., and a former president of the National District Attorneys Association. "Since you've already got to get warrants for the stuff that's less than 180 days, it's obviously not an insurmountable standard."

Nor does the legislation weaken other methods used by law enforcement for collecting electronic information. A subpoena signed by a federal prosecutor ? not a judge ? will continue to be sufficient for obtaining routing data from third-party Internet providers that can identify the sender of an email and the location where the message was sent.

Police also can use what is known as a "D order" to get the "to" and "from" addresses of an email, but not the contents. These orders must be issued by a judge, but the agency seeking one need only show there is reasonable suspicion of a crime ? a lower legal standard than probable cause.

In a Nov. 21 letter to Leahy, 30 former federal and state prosecutors and judges said the bill would provide "a much needed judicial check on when the government can access our private digital information." Concerns that the bill would keep law enforcement from acting quickly during emergencies are unfounded, they added, because the Senate bill does not change a provision in the existing law that compels third-party providers to give the government information in situations where lives are at risk or children are being exploited or abused.

Digital Due Process, a wide-ranging coalition that includes Google, Microsoft and Twitter, as well as the American Civil Liberties Union and Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform, has mounted a public relations campaign supporting the Senate bill. The coalition says updating the law will clear the "murky legal landscape" for companies and consumers alike and provide the proper safeguards for the vast amounts of information stored in server farms.

There's money at stake, too. The global market for cloud computing via the Internet is estimated to be $240 billion by 2020. But the Business Software Alliance, a coalition member that represents Apple, Intel and Microsoft, said U.S. cloud providers are at a disadvantage unless online privacy and security laws are changed. If consumers aren't sure their information is being properly protected on the remote, networked computer servers that make up the cloud, they'll take their business elsewhere.

Use of the law has been interpreted inconsistently by the courts, further fuel for those pushing for an overhaul. In a 2010 decision, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled that an Ohio businessman's constitutional rights were violated when federal investigators obtained thousands of his emails without warrants. Now investigators in states covered by the 6th Circuit ? Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee ? must obtain warrants for all emails. But that's not the law in other federal circuits.

In the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers California, Washington, Oregon and six other Western states, judges ruled that a search warrant was required for both opened and unopened email, but only if left on a server for less than 180 days. The Justice Department has argued that a search warrant is required for unopened email left on a server for less than 180 days, but not for opened email less than 180 days old.

The decisions mean different rules apply depending where an investigation begins. How should emails be treated if a case starts in Pennsylvania and the messages are stored on a server in California, the hub for Google, Yahoo and other major Internet businesses?

"It's very confusing," said Hanni Fakhoury, a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco. "Law enforcement will never admit this, but a uniform search warrant standard is easier for them."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

NBC?News also contributed to this report.

This?story was updated at?1:36 pm ET.


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Starbucks to donate to RED for World AIDS Day

(AP) ? Starbucks Corp. is donating a portion of its proceeds on World AIDS Day to help fight the disease.

The company announced Thursday it would give five cents to the Global Fund of the RED foundation for each hand-crafted drink it sells on Saturday in the United States and Canada. The coffee shop is also partnering with iTunes, offering a digital $30 gift card that is divided into two $15 certificates to iTunes and Starbucks. Five percent of the proceeds to those gift cards, sold online, will also be donated to RED.

RED was founded by Bono and Bobby Shriver and links with brands to help raise money to fight AIDS. It benefits the Global Fund, which uses the money for HIV/AIDS programs in Africa.

Associated Press


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Think your office has long meetings? Try China's Party confabs

China's leaders have refined the endless-meeting concept to an exquisite level of pointlessness ? making the country's?progress over the past 30 years even more remarkable.

By Peter Ford,?Staff writer / November 9, 2012

Members of the Xinjiang provincial delegation and representatives from the National People's Congress (NPC) attend a meeting in the Xinjiang Room inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Friday, Nov. 9. The banner reads: '18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Representative Committee.'

David Gray/Reuters


Endless and pointless meetings are by no means unique to China, as almost anybody who works in a large organization can attest.

Skip to next paragraph Peter Ford

Beijing Bureau Chief

Peter Ford is The Christian Science Monitor?s Beijing Bureau Chief. He covers news and features throughout China and also makes reporting trips to Japan and the Korean peninsula.

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But the Chinese Communist Party has refined the endless meeting to an exquisite level of pointlessness, and on Friday, when journalists were invited to sit in on ?private? discussions among delegates to the 18th?Party Congress, the phenomenon was on full display.

None of us had expected lively and spontaneous debate about the speech that party leader Hu Jintao had given on Thursday at the opening of the Congress. That is not the way things work here.

But there was no discussion of any description of the speech at any of the three gatherings that I attended in ornately decorated, thickly carpeted, marble pillared meeting rooms in the gigantic Great Hall of the People.

The Shanxi provincial delegation meeting seemed pretty typical. Thirty or so delegates were sat around a U-shaped table, and one by one they made their speeches.

'Yesterday, I heard Hu Jintao's report'

?Yesterday, I listened to Hu Jintao?s report and I found it very profound and very correct,? said Wu Huada, president of a coalmining company, before reading his prepared remarks about improved mine safety in Shanxi.

?I heard Hu Jintao?s report yesterday, and I firmly support this report,? said Niu Guodong, who introduced himself as a worker at the largest stainless steel factory in the world, and then read from a text explaining the energy saving measures the factory has introduced.

?Yesterday, I heard President Hu Jintao?s report and it expressed the will of people across the nation. I shall study it further,? promised Li Fei, a local party secretary, who then read her speech detailing the number of kilometers of road paved recently and the number of rural schools that had been remodeled in the county she rules.

All over the Great Hall of the People, in room after room, delegates were droning on about things their audiences knew already, or if they didn?t know, they evidently did not care about. Some stared into the middle distance; others pored over the speeches they themselves were about to make; some openly read a newspaper, or dozed.

The whole exercise appeared to strike them as a monumental waste of time; everything had been scripted in advance, and everyone had heard it all before.

Nor are these sorts of meeting uncommon in China. This was the cream of the Communist Party, but officials at all levels of the Chinese system spend huge amounts of time engaged in similar meetings.

It struck me that the progress China has made in so many spheres over the past 30 years is even more remarkable when you take into account that its successes have been achieved even though the people running the country waste so much of their time in endless and pointless meetings.

A Chinese colleague, however, had a more cynical take on what we were witnessing. ?It just shows,? she said, ?that the country goes on running perfectly well even without all these guys while they waste their time at meetings.??


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Analysis: At peak of powers, Merkel sets sights on third term

BERLIN (Reuters) - In Germany, election campaigns are supposed to be all about parties, policies and platforms, most definitely not personalities. Now that is about to change.

Angela Merkel, at the peak of her political powers, is gearing up to run for a third term and what she hopes will be a place in the history books alongside towering post-war German leaders like Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl.

Next week, her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) will informally kick off the campaign with a two-day congress in the northern city of Hanover that is shaping up as a very un-German affair -- a Merkel-centered love-fest similar in style and spectacle to a U.S. presidential convention.

Seven years into her chancellorship, a point when her predecessors Gerhard Schroeder and Kohl were struggling with poor poll ratings, the 58-year-old Lutheran pastor's daughter from East Germany is as popular as ever.

Two in three Germans say she is doing a good job, according to surveys, and many now applaud her handling of the euro zone crisis, where she has performed a stunning feat -- keeping the single currency intact with one policy concession after another, yet still managing to be seen as a staunch defender of German interests.

Criticized early on for her cautious leadership style, Merkel's low-key approach is now hailed by many as positive in a time of turmoil.

"The CDU's main asset in this election is Frau Merkel," said Environment Minister and party ally Peter Altmaier. "She enjoys a huge amount of trust. She has no rivals and is the most popular politician in the country."

A close aide to Merkel who will have a role in shaping her re-election strategy was even more clear: "Of course we will focus this campaign on the chancellor. We'd be stupid not to."

A heavy dose of adulation has been programmed into the congress in Hanover. Delegates have only one main task, a member of the CDU executive committee told German weekly Der Spiegel: "They are to give Angela Merkel a standing ovation of at least seven minutes after her speech."


Still, it would be wrong to assume total harmony within the party, even if that is the message Merkel and her allies are trying to send.

Since taking power in 2005, the chancellor has pushed her party in an entirely new direction. Not all in the CDU are happy about that.

After fighting for years against a minimum wage, the party now officially supports one. And after condemning the nuclear power phase-out introduced by Schroeder's centre-left government, Merkel now says it did not go far or fast enough. Last year she shocked her party with her "Energiewende", or energy revolution, that pushes Germany out of nuclear and into renewables at alarming speed.

On social issues there is also grumbling. The CDU's approach towards women used to be summed up with three simple words: "Kinder, Kueche, Kirche", or children, kitchen, church. Now it is pushing for more childcare spots so that mothers can work and is debating the idea of imposing quotas on businesses to boost the number of women in top positions.

"We need to watch out that in our search for two new voters, we don't lose three old ones," says Wolfgang Bosbach, a senior CDU lawmaker who has clashed with Merkel in recent years.

Other controversial social issues, including a divisive debate about tax treatment of gay couples, are being swept under the table in Hanover in the name of unity.

"The truth is that Merkel has no interest in seeing a big debate on the issues. This congress is supposed to show that the party is fully behind the chancellor and her government," said Frank Decker, a political scientist at Bonn University.

"The CDU is having to appeal to a broader base, to adapt to a changed reality in society, new family structures and a bigger role for women," he added. "A traditional conservative, Christian party must find answers, it must debate these things. But Merkel is refusing to allow this debate to happen, and that breeds resentment."


In modernizing the CDU, Merkel has made it all but indistinguishable from the other big parties, the Social Democrats and Greens. By design or not, this has made the party even more dependent on Merkel for its identity.

So far that has not been a problem. The CDU and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), have a comfortable 10 point lead over the next biggest party, the SPD, 10 months before the federal vote.

Working in Merkel and her party's favor has been the disastrous start of her SPD challenger Peer Steinbrueck, who has been dogged by a row over lucrative speaking engagements since he was anointed two months ago.

Still, it would be wrong to assume Merkel's re-election is guaranteed.

The euro zone crisis remains perhaps the biggest risk, as the domestic backlash against her latest aid deal for Greece showed this week.

If Greece's financial problems flare up again before the German election, she is bound to come under fire for cynically delaying a lasting solution to the country's debt woes until after the vote out of fears for her own political future.

An economic slowdown at home could also weigh on her popularity. Hit by weakness in its trading partners, the German economy is expected to contract in the fourth quarter of 2012 and data on Thursday showed unemployment rising for the eighth month in a row.

Perhaps a bigger risk is the shifting party landscape in Germany, notably the collapse of the CDU's traditional partner, the Free Democrats (FDP), with whom Merkel rules in Berlin.

The consequences of this could be felt as soon as January, when Lower Saxony, the German swing-state equivalent of Ohio, holds an election.

Loyal Merkel ally David McAllister, a half-Scot who runs the state, is expected to come out on top in the vote, but may still be booted out of office by a coalition of the SPD and Greens if the FDP fails to make it into the state assembly.

That result would send a worrying signal to the CDU faithful.

"Lower Saxony will help shape the mood for the election year," Michael Meister, a senior CDU lawmaker told Reuters. "There will be a result, and it will carry a message."

Regardless of what happens in Lower Saxony, people close to the chancellor say she cannot rest on her laurels, but must make a convincing case about where she wants to take Germany.

"The big question will be, why again?" her close aide said. "People vote for the future not the past."

Asked what she hoped to accomplish in a third term, the aide pointed to four areas: bringing stability to the euro zone; bedding down her energy revolution; consolidating the budget; and ensuring continued growth and prosperity.

Gero Neugebauer, a political scientist at Berlin's Free University, puts Merkel's chances of winning re-election next year at just 50-50 because the FDP's slide has left her without a "Machtoption", or hope of a majority with her current partner.

Others see it differently. By moving ever closer to the SPD and Greens on policy, Merkel has given the CDU more coalition options, notes Josef Joffe, publisher-editor of German weekly Die Zeit.

"She can go with a revived FDP, with Steinbrueck's SPD and, if the Greens are hungry enough, with them as well," he says, putting her chances at "close to 100 percent".

"She represents the 'good shepherd' in turbulent times. Somehow, people believe, she will get them through the mess safe and sound."

(Additional reporting by Andreas Rinke; Writing by Noah Barkin; editing by Janet McBride)


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From ancient scroll to modern cinema: 5G Studio collaborates on theatre design in China

-By Andreas Fuchs


Lobby of the Zendhai Himalayas Cinemas

?China has a remarkable appetite for progressive design,? says architect Mike Voegtle. ?The demographic is young and sophisticated, and they are open to embracing new ideas and taking risks on offerings not seen before.?

During our recent quest for ?Exotic Designs? in our October issue, Voegtle, who is one of five partners of multinational 5G Studio Collaborative, introduced Film Journal International to one of those progressive concepts. Yet, the Zendai Himalayas Cinema in Shanghai is very deeply rooted in ancient tradition.

?Central to the design concept of the cinema is the inspiration drawn from the bustling urbanity scene depicted in a Chinese Song Dynasty hand-scroll painting titled The Riverside Scene at Qing Ming Festival.? 5G Studio?s project description also notes that, in this work, artist Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145) is ?exhibiting the celebration of secular activities and festivities across all levels of society, and across different urban, rural and natural settings.?

Located on the 7th and 8th floors of the mixed-use Zendai Himalayas Center, the 4,000-square-meter (43,000-sq.-ft.), 1,100-seat seven-plex aimed to capture the celebratory tone of the urban setting. ?The design of the cinema sought to absorb, then abstract, and purport to amplify the ideals that shaped its host building,? which was designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki and completed in 2010. The insertion of a mezzanine level between the two floors with corresponding stairs and catwalks allowed the site ?to elevate the function of connecting spaces,? as the architects describe it. ?By introducing zones of fast and slow movements, as well as zones of rest and observation [to cinema-goers], they can observe activities on other parts of the cinema and be watched as individual events themselves. The path is a continuous element, terminating in a glass-floored platform, completely identifiable from the arrival lobby, a contemporary, abstracted dragon in the cinema.?

Generally speaking, ?a cinema can be conceptualized as a container,? 5G Studio concluded about Zenadai, and seen as ?a melting pot of individuals coming from an infinite variety of histories seeking to be entertained through movies that attract particular interests.?
The very same could be said about the team behind this and the two other cinemas in Shanghai exclusively presented to our readers on the occasion of CineAsia. ?Between our U.S. offices in Dallas and Atlanta and an office in Ho Chi Minh City serving projects under construction in Vietnam, 5G has over 30 design professionals,? Voegtle confirms. ?Two of our partners are Vietnamese and Indonesian, and we have several designers from various regions across Southeast Asia.?

5G Studio was founded on 5/5/2005 with five partners, who ?have known each other and have been friends for many years,? Voegtle explains about the name. ?We all worked together earlier in our careers at the Beck Group based in Dallas.? While two of the original partners have since left the company, a fourth came on board anew in 2007, before Voegtle ?joined the partnership earlier this year with the merger of DVA Architecture, again making 5G five partners strong.?

Having worked on both conventional theatres and cinema-eateries with DVA, including the likes of Studio Movie Grill, Voegtle now leads 5G?s Entertainment Studio specializing in cinema design. ?With talented individuals from both the U.S. and abroad, we are able to break through cultural barriers and offer a balanced and diverse approach in our design philosophy,? he says. ?Asia is very open to progressive design and Western ideas. Our design work, specifically in the hospitality markets in Vietnam, was a gateway to similar projects back in the U.S. Since our company began as a start-up during the recent economic recession, we were able to first showcase our abilities on large projects overseas.?

Since its inception, ?5G?s primary focus has been on design quality,? Voegtle continues, ?and the notion that efficient and unique design solutions can shape our client?s vision into economical and efficient real estate solutions that maximize their return on investment. We have a very talented and diverse group of architects and designers that focuses on project types ranging from high-end hospitality and multi-family to entertainment and commercial development.?

With hotels and restaurants, spas and churches, interiors, furniture, sustainability and strategic branding all part of the global 5G Studio package, we wondered about the division of labor at the firm. ?All of our design work is produced at our offices in the U.S,? Voegtle confirms, noting that the partners spend a good portion of their time abroad as well. ?Our relationships in China are set up as joint ventures on a project-by-project basis and include companies in Hong Kong and Shanghai,? where 5G is looking to open a design office in 2014.

The cinemas too are the product of a Sino-U.S. partnership. In addition to the Zendai Himalayas (, the Yonghua Cinema City and Metro Plaza Cinema that 5G has worked on were jointly developed by Kansas City, Kansas-based Entertainment Properties Trust ( FJI, December 2010) and Shanghai Film Group (CineAsia 2005 Exhibitor of the Year).

While they contracted 5G Studio to redesign the lobby of Yonghua Cinema City, an existing flagship location, the firm provided full architecture and interior design services for the Metro Plaza Cinema, a 3,286-square-meter (35,370-sq.-ft.) four-plex located on the fifth floor of the shopping mall of the same name ( With capacities ranging from 175 to 220 for a total of just over 900 seats, the Metro Plaza was designed and constructed in 2011. Today, the cinema offers ?a retreat for busy shoppers in the form of a voluminous, light-filled space,? 5G noted in the project description. ?The design began with exploring the appeal of the Chinese lantern, attempting to capture its diaphanous essence.? In actuality, the designers linked the two public entries and lined the resulting ?generous? corridor with ?intermittent curtains made of stainless-steel mesh fabric? and custom panels of translucent resin ?in gently angled undulations.?

Backlit by ?color-kinetic? LED lighting whose ?candy-colored? mix is programmed ?in a fluid way, causing unpredictable gradient in the color transition zones,? special emphasis was placed on the entrances to the auditoriums. ?The entries to each cinema occur where the resin panels are interrupted, to reveal a glowing volume that appears to have no edges. Balancing the soft, glowing devices, linear and vibrant planes of light are introduced at strategic points.? That theme was expanded to ticketing and concessions as well. To the designers at 5G Studio, ?the Metro Plaza Cinema elegantly carves spaces by manipulating the materials that make movies possible, artificial light.?

While these concepts are indeed enlightening, our readers may nonetheless have some very practical concerns. After all, the three cinemas in question are constructed on the upper floors of shopping centers. ?More than a trend,? Voegtle thinks their location more likely was the result of the ?cinema development culture? in China. ?Unlike in the States where development is driven by the movie theatre as an anchor, the cinema industry traditionally in China has not been at the forefront of development. Being that ?the shopping mall? is very popular in China and developer-driven, the upper floors became a natural place for the cinema to reside.?

What about ceiling heights and columns? ?Any theatre that has to be designed into an existing structure is going to have its challenges working around structural elements and limitations,? Voegtle concurs. ?Our design process takes into account all of these factors and our design solution is both aesthetic and technical. Every aspect of the theatre is thoroughly studied in three-dimensional models to ensure that the space functions adequately.?

?The lobby look and feel is someone?s first impression of the theatre,? he continues. ?We feel that this first impression, accompanied by clean and clear circulation and branding, will set the tone for the type of moviegoing experience someone will have. This is our first goal as cinema designers. Auditoriums are more technical in nature and solve problems such as good sightlines, comfortable seating, and quality sound and projection.?

As the Chinese exhibition industry ?continues to expand in both the large and second-tier cities across the country,? he says, ?new cinemas are upgrading to large-format screens and are experimenting with VIP amenities such as lounge and bar spaces? 3D films, and newer technologies such as 4D effects and 5D motion seats, are gaining in popularity. And U.S. trends [like] the cinema-eatery or dine-in concept will soon arrive,? Voegtle predicts. The building boom will ?absolutely? go on. ?With film restrictions relaxing and Chinese domestic films now competing with Hollywood standards, the future of cinema and the demand for new theatre technologies and contemporary venues will continue to evolve and grow.?

As architects and designers,? Mike Voegtle concludes, ?we are continuing to push theatre design in a direction to help bring the cinema to the forefront and have it become the catalyst of new development. People have such strong emotions when it comes to cinema and every generation can relate to films that define them. Our job as designers is to make their moviegoing experience memorable and to create a space that sets the scene for those memories to take place.?

Nov 28, 2012

-By Andreas Fuchs

filmjournal/photos/stylus/1368248-5G_Studio_Feature_Md.jpg ?China has a remarkable appetite for progressive design,? says architect Mike Voegtle. ?The demographic is young and sophisticated, and they are open to embracing new ideas and taking risks on offerings not seen before.?

During our recent quest for ?Exotic Designs? in our October issue, Voegtle, who is one of five partners of multinational 5G Studio Collaborative, introduced Film Journal International to one of those progressive concepts. Yet, the Zendai Himalayas Cinema in Shanghai is very deeply rooted in ancient tradition.

?Central to the design concept of the cinema is the inspiration drawn from the bustling urbanity scene depicted in a Chinese Song Dynasty hand-scroll painting titled The Riverside Scene at Qing Ming Festival.? 5G Studio?s project description also notes that, in this work, artist Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145) is ?exhibiting the celebration of secular activities and festivities across all levels of society, and across different urban, rural and natural settings.?

Located on the 7th and 8th floors of the mixed-use Zendai Himalayas Center, the 4,000-square-meter (43,000-sq.-ft.), 1,100-seat seven-plex aimed to capture the celebratory tone of the urban setting. ?The design of the cinema sought to absorb, then abstract, and purport to amplify the ideals that shaped its host building,? which was designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki and completed in 2010. The insertion of a mezzanine level between the two floors with corresponding stairs and catwalks allowed the site ?to elevate the function of connecting spaces,? as the architects describe it. ?By introducing zones of fast and slow movements, as well as zones of rest and observation [to cinema-goers], they can observe activities on other parts of the cinema and be watched as individual events themselves. The path is a continuous element, terminating in a glass-floored platform, completely identifiable from the arrival lobby, a contemporary, abstracted dragon in the cinema.?

Generally speaking, ?a cinema can be conceptualized as a container,? 5G Studio concluded about Zenadai, and seen as ?a melting pot of individuals coming from an infinite variety of histories seeking to be entertained through movies that attract particular interests.?
The very same could be said about the team behind this and the two other cinemas in Shanghai exclusively presented to our readers on the occasion of CineAsia. ?Between our U.S. offices in Dallas and Atlanta and an office in Ho Chi Minh City serving projects under construction in Vietnam, 5G has over 30 design professionals,? Voegtle confirms. ?Two of our partners are Vietnamese and Indonesian, and we have several designers from various regions across Southeast Asia.?

5G Studio was founded on 5/5/2005 with five partners, who ?have known each other and have been friends for many years,? Voegtle explains about the name. ?We all worked together earlier in our careers at the Beck Group based in Dallas.? While two of the original partners have since left the company, a fourth came on board anew in 2007, before Voegtle ?joined the partnership earlier this year with the merger of DVA Architecture, again making 5G five partners strong.?

Having worked on both conventional theatres and cinema-eateries with DVA, including the likes of Studio Movie Grill, Voegtle now leads 5G?s Entertainment Studio specializing in cinema design. ?With talented individuals from both the U.S. and abroad, we are able to break through cultural barriers and offer a balanced and diverse approach in our design philosophy,? he says. ?Asia is very open to progressive design and Western ideas. Our design work, specifically in the hospitality markets in Vietnam, was a gateway to similar projects back in the U.S. Since our company began as a start-up during the recent economic recession, we were able to first showcase our abilities on large projects overseas.?

Since its inception, ?5G?s primary focus has been on design quality,? Voegtle continues, ?and the notion that efficient and unique design solutions can shape our client?s vision into economical and efficient real estate solutions that maximize their return on investment. We have a very talented and diverse group of architects and designers that focuses on project types ranging from high-end hospitality and multi-family to entertainment and commercial development.?

With hotels and restaurants, spas and churches, interiors, furniture, sustainability and strategic branding all part of the global 5G Studio package, we wondered about the division of labor at the firm. ?All of our design work is produced at our offices in the U.S,? Voegtle confirms, noting that the partners spend a good portion of their time abroad as well. ?Our relationships in China are set up as joint ventures on a project-by-project basis and include companies in Hong Kong and Shanghai,? where 5G is looking to open a design office in 2014.

The cinemas too are the product of a Sino-U.S. partnership. In addition to the Zendai Himalayas (, the Yonghua Cinema City and Metro Plaza Cinema that 5G has worked on were jointly developed by Kansas City, Kansas-based Entertainment Properties Trust (FJI, December 2010) and Shanghai Film Group (CineAsia 2005 Exhibitor of the Year).

While they contracted 5G Studio to redesign the lobby of Yonghua Cinema City, an existing flagship location, the firm provided full architecture and interior design services for the Metro Plaza Cinema, a 3,286-square-meter (35,370-sq.-ft.) four-plex located on the fifth floor of the shopping mall of the same name ( With capacities ranging from 175 to 220 for a total of just over 900 seats, the Metro Plaza was designed and constructed in 2011. Today, the cinema offers ?a retreat for busy shoppers in the form of a voluminous, light-filled space,? 5G noted in the project description. ?The design began with exploring the appeal of the Chinese lantern, attempting to capture its diaphanous essence.? In actuality, the designers linked the two public entries and lined the resulting ?generous? corridor with ?intermittent curtains made of stainless-steel mesh fabric? and custom panels of translucent resin ?in gently angled undulations.?

Backlit by ?color-kinetic? LED lighting whose ?candy-colored? mix is programmed ?in a fluid way, causing unpredictable gradient in the color transition zones,? special emphasis was placed on the entrances to the auditoriums. ?The entries to each cinema occur where the resin panels are interrupted, to reveal a glowing volume that appears to have no edges. Balancing the soft, glowing devices, linear and vibrant planes of light are introduced at strategic points.? That theme was expanded to ticketing and concessions as well. To the designers at 5G Studio, ?the Metro Plaza Cinema elegantly carves spaces by manipulating the materials that make movies possible, artificial light.?

While these concepts are indeed enlightening, our readers may nonetheless have some very practical concerns. After all, the three cinemas in question are constructed on the upper floors of shopping centers. ?More than a trend,? Voegtle thinks their location more likely was the result of the ?cinema development culture? in China. ?Unlike in the States where development is driven by the movie theatre as an anchor, the cinema industry traditionally in China has not been at the forefront of development. Being that ?the shopping mall? is very popular in China and developer-driven, the upper floors became a natural place for the cinema to reside.?

What about ceiling heights and columns? ?Any theatre that has to be designed into an existing structure is going to have its challenges working around structural elements and limitations,? Voegtle concurs. ?Our design process takes into account all of these factors and our design solution is both aesthetic and technical. Every aspect of the theatre is thoroughly studied in three-dimensional models to ensure that the space functions adequately.?

?The lobby look and feel is someone?s first impression of the theatre,? he continues. ?We feel that this first impression, accompanied by clean and clear circulation and branding, will set the tone for the type of moviegoing experience someone will have. This is our first goal as cinema designers. Auditoriums are more technical in nature and solve problems such as good sightlines, comfortable seating, and quality sound and projection.?

As the Chinese exhibition industry ?continues to expand in both the large and second-tier cities across the country,? he says, ?new cinemas are upgrading to large-format screens and are experimenting with VIP amenities such as lounge and bar spaces? 3D films, and newer technologies such as 4D effects and 5D motion seats, are gaining in popularity. And U.S. trends [like] the cinema-eatery or dine-in concept will soon arrive,? Voegtle predicts. The building boom will ?absolutely? go on. ?With film restrictions relaxing and Chinese domestic films now competing with Hollywood standards, the future of cinema and the demand for new theatre technologies and contemporary venues will continue to evolve and grow.?

As architects and designers,? Mike Voegtle concludes, ?we are continuing to push theatre design in a direction to help bring the cinema to the forefront and have it become the catalyst of new development. People have such strong emotions when it comes to cinema and every generation can relate to films that define them. Our job as designers is to make their moviegoing experience memorable and to create a space that sets the scene for those memories to take place.?


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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rovi is shutting down its OTA TV guide service without notice

Without notice, Rovi shuts down TV guide service

The company with so much love it changed its name to fool its fans is at it again, this time killing the signal that provides guide data directly to many televisions and set-top boxes. You see, before changing its name from Macrovision, Rovi acquired Gemstar-TV guide in 2008 -- which was probably most well known for the integrated program guide common in higher end TVs throughout the last decade. While most people just use the guide offered on their provider's set-top, this guide is for those who actually use the clear-QAM or over-the-air tuner in their TV. The way it worked is that manufacturers baked the software into the TV, which would then tune into a local affiliate's broadcast of a week's worth of guide data. The setup successfully made it through the digital transition -- minus the truckloads of analog-only TVs ceasing to work along the way -- as new TVs featured a digital version of the service, as well as some digital converters, like the DTVpal DVR.

Continue reading Rovi is shutting down its OTA TV guide service without notice

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Source: Twice, AVS Forum


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Red algae reaches Sydney shores, closes iconic beach

William West / AFP - Getty Images

A swimmer stops short of a red algae bloom at Sydney's Clovelly Beach on Tuesday. Clovelly and Bondi beaches were closed to swimmers.

Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach and Clovelly Beach were closed to swimmers on Tuesday as a red algae bloom drifted close to shore, Agence France-Presse reports.

While the red algae, known as Noctiluca scintillans or sea sparkle, has no toxic effects, people are still advised to avoid swimming in areas with discolored water because the algae, which can be high in ammonia, can cause skin irritation.?

"It has got quite a fishy smell to it,"?lifeguard Bruce Hopkins told?the Australian Associated Press.?"It can irritate some people's skin but generally not much more than that."

William West / AFP - Getty Images

A boy walks along Sydney's Clovelly Beach on Tuesday.

William West / AFP - Getty Images

A seagull stands in a red algae bloom at Sydney's Clovelly Beach on Tuesday.

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Caring for Elderly Adults at Home - Elder Parent Help

1269827256 0bebbe96e0 z 1 300x246 Caring for Elderly Adults at Home  As you age, you naturally require more medical intervention and daily care from medical professionals and other experts. Perhaps you have had a hip fracture and need help getting about, or you may require a stoma and need assistance changing your stoma bag. In some cases, family members may want to help out to eliminate some of the expense of medical care and share in your daily life as you age. If you decide to allow family care, there are a variety things that you should let each family member know before they agree to help so that you can live the best life possible while retaining friendly family relationships.

What to Expect

The first thing you should do is inform any family members about your normal routine. Let them know how you like your day to go. If you like to eat the same foods on the same day, they should know that. Let them know your exercise routine, any activities that you participate in, and how you like your home cleaned and taken care of. Communication is the key to effective family care.

Medications and daily care

Make a list with your doctor about any daily medications and care that you will need each day. Give this list to any family members that want to help out. If they know you take certain medications on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, then that will help them provide a higher level of care for you. Add daily tasks to the list as well, such as grooming needs, exercise needs, vitamin supplements, and any other daily tasks that are important to your health and wellbeing.

Obtaining Additional Assistance

In some cases, you may require additional help from a professional nurse. After surgeries and other medical procedures, you may require temporary professional help. Let your family caregivers know that you plan to use professional help when you need it. They should also help you choose the best professional for your particular needs. A nurse that is familiar with your exact procedure and medical issues will be able to provide a higher level of care.

Maintain Good Family Relationships

When family members get together, sparks can fly. Getting along with family members is an important part of family care. If you find yourself getting frustrated with your family caregiver, think about what is really causing the problem. Are they pushing you into something you don?t want to do? Is it a simple personality clash? Remember that younger members in a family often feel responsible for the health of older family members and may be wary of you acting independently, even if you feel up to the task. A mutual understanding between all family members can help diffuse uncomfortable situations.

Considering Home Modifications

Let your family caregivers know what home modifications you require for your daily comfort. This is especially important if you move in to a family member?s home. Let family members know about any special needs for getting up and down stairs, or necessary bars or other assisting help that you may need in the bathroom or for getting out of bed in the morning. If you are not sure what you need, talk with your doctor about mobility issues in the home.

Receiving family care can be a blessing. Family members are typically more loving and understanding than medical professionals, and the ability to have a family caregiver can be an amazing experience. However, there are potential problems with the relationship as well. As long as both parties understand the changes necessary to both of your lives, then you will have a better experience with a family caregiver.

Linda Michelle is an independent researcher. Her particular field of research is dedicated to improving the lives of elderly people. SecuriCare Medical provides a home delivery service for elderly people living with stoma bags, visit the link for more details.



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PSA Screening Vs Pure Smoke Screeing | Prostate Cancer ...

Not long ago the United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) trumpeted this message to men: ? No need to get screened for prostate cancer. If you do get it you probably won?t die of it.?? It was a message that went round the world and many listened. Many took it to heart. Many were confused. Many still are.

Who were the experts who made the pronouncement? Certainly not the medical community who had been dedicating themselves for years to treating and curing prostate cancer. They were stunned and outraged at the USPSTF recommendations.

Despite the fact that PSA screening has saved tens of thousands of lives, a group of so-called ?independent scientists? were winding the clock backwards, blacking out years of progress in controlling prostate cancer. The ?independent scientists?, we were told, could more objectively evaluate the literature without bias. With not a single urologist or prostate cancer specialist on the panel? ?

Prostate cancer specialists and researchers at Johns Hopkins Brady Urological Institute immediately called the USPSTF message dangerous and setting a disastrous course. The American Society of Clinical Oncology rejected the recommendations outright, calling instead for a sensible approach to screening: discouraging PSA screening in men with a life expectancy of less than 10 years, but advising men who are expected to live more than 10 years to discuss the benefits and harms of screening with their physicians.

According to the panel, ?healthy men? don?t need screening. There is too much screening. ? Think of the cost-saving if we cut down on screening.? So the mantra goes. ?The recommendations prompt this question:? Are they in place to promote progress or are they in place?far more likely?to save money?

?Prostate cancer is after all, the most common cancer in American men. It is also the second most common cause of cancer death.? It produces no symptoms until? it reaches an advanced stage, but by then it is too late to cure!? It can be diagnosed with a rectal exam (DRE), but it has to be large enough to be felt by a doctor.? The problem is that by the time it has grown this much it could mean it has spread beyond the confines of the prostate gland. That can spell real trouble.? What the PSA test does is signal danger before trouble begins! ?That patient may appear to be ?healthy? but the PSA can say otherwise.

It takes an expert to read and interpret a PSA test. To know at what level it should be in men of every age. To know if it is rising too quickly, requiring an biopsy.? It is not a perfect test but it is the best tool in the tool box?so far.? They are looking for a more perfect one all the time. Before 1991, when PSA testing became widespread, 20 percent of the men with a new diagnosis of prostate cancer had a tumor that had already spread to the bone.? Today that number is less than 4 percent!? In 1991, one out of 5 men had metastases.? Today, it is one out of 25!? Between 1994 and 2004, deaths from prostate cancer plummeted 40 percent. That was more for any other cancer in men or women.

Johns Hopkins reported the age adjusted death rate from 1990 of 39.2 per 100,000 men and applying it to 200, there would have been 59,000 deaths. Because the death rate fell to 23.5, there were 35,000 deaths.? Which means 24,000 fewer men died from prostate cancer in 2007 alone. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 40 to 70 percent of this reduction is due entirely to screening.

Critics of the USPSTF recommendations say while they used at large uncontrolled observations to look at complications of surgery, they did not discuss the number of lives saved since PSA testing was introduce in the U.S.


?USPSTF has tried to deal with the issues of over-diagnosis and over treatment. For a Johns Hopkins recommendation on these vital issues, the following link to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines should be carefully read and studied.? These guidelines are approved by The American Society of Clinical Oncology as well as other national and international prostate cancer experts.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wireless Networks of Cows Will Keep Gas Under Control

I'd hate to be the IT guy fixing this network. By dropping electronic devices into the stomachs of cows and networking them together, researchers hope to reduce the climate-warming farts and burps they produce. More »


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Civil rights leader Lawrence Guyot dies at 73

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Lawrence Guyot, a civil rights leader who survived jailhouse beatings in the Deep South in the 1960s and went on to encourage generations to get involved, has died. He was 73.

Guyot had a history of heart problems and suffered from diabetes, and died at home in Mount Rainier, Md., his daughter Julie Guyot-Diangone said late Saturday. She said he died sometime Thursday night; other media reported he passed away Friday.

A Mississippi native, Guyot (pronounced GHEE-ott) worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and served as director of the 1964 Freedom Summer Project, which brought thousands of young people to the state to register blacks to vote despite a history of violence and intimidation by authorities. He also chaired the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which sought to have blacks included among the state's delegates to the 1964 Democratic National Convention. The bid was rejected, but another civil rights activist, Fannie Lou Hamer, addressed the convention during a nationally televised appearance.

Guyot was severely beaten several times, including at the notorious Mississippi State Penitentiary known as Parchman Farm. He continued to speak on voting rights until his death, including encouraging people to cast ballots for President Barack Obama.

"He was a civil rights field worker right up to the end," Guyot-Diangone said.

Guyot participated in the 40th anniversary of the Freedom Summer Project to make sure a new generation could learn about the civil rights movement.

"There is nothing like having risked your life with people over something immensely important to you," he told The Clarion-Ledger in 2004. "As Churchill said, there's nothing more exhilarating than to have been shot at ? and missed."

His daughter said she recently saw him on a bus encouraging people to register to vote and asking about their political views. She said he was an early backer of gay marriage, noting that when he married a white woman, interracial marriage was illegal in some states. He met his wife Monica while they both worked for racial equality.

"He followed justice," his daughter said. "He followed what was consistent with his values, not what was fashionable. He just pushed people along with him."

Susan Glisson, executive director of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation at the University of Mississippi, called Guyot "a towering figure, a real warrior for freedom and justice."

"He loved to mentor young people. That's how I met him," she said.

When she attended Ole Miss, students reached out to civil rights activists and Guyot responded.

"He was very opinionated," she said. "But always ? he always backed up his opinions with detailed facts. He always pushed you to think more deeply and to be more strategic. It could be long days of debate about the way forward. But once the path was set, there was nobody more committed to the path."

Glisson said Guyot's efforts helped lay the groundwork for the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

"Mississippi has more black elected officials than any other state in the country, and that's a direct tribute to his work," she said.

Guyot was born in Pass Christian, Miss., on July 17, 1939. He became active in civil rights while attending Tougaloo College in Mississippi, and graduated in 1963. Guyot received a law degree in 1971 from Rutgers University, and then moved to Washington, where he worked to elect fellow Mississippian and civil rights activist Marion Barry as mayor in 1978.

"When he came to Washington, he continued his revolutionary zeal," Barry told The Washington Post on Friday. "He was always busy working for the people."

Guyot worked for the District of Columbia government in various capacities and as a neighborhood advisory commissioner.

D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton told The Post in 2007 that she first met Guyot within days of his beating at a jail in Winona, Miss. "Because of Larry Guyot, I understood what it meant to live with terror and to walk straight into it," she told the newspaper. On Friday, she called Guyot "an unsung hero" of the civil rights movement.

"Very few Mississippians were willing to risk their lives at that time," she said. "But Guyot did."

In recent months, his daughter said he was concerned about what he said were Republican efforts to limit access to the polls. As his health was failing, he voted early because he wanted to make sure his vote was counted, he told the AFRO newspaper.

Funeral services are pending.


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Alzheimer's disease in mice alleviated: Promising therapeutic approach for humans

ScienceDaily (Nov. 25, 2012) ? Pathological changes typical of Alzheimer's disease were significantly reduced in mice by blockade of an immune system transmitter. A research team from Charit? -- Universit?tsmedizin Berlin and the University of Zurich has just published a new therapeutic approach in fighting Alzheimer's disease in the current issue of Nature Medicine. This approach promises potential in prevention, as well as in cases where the disease has already set in.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common causes of dementia. In Germany and Switzerland alone, around 1.5 million people are affected, and forecasts predict a doubling of the number of patients worldwide within the next 20 years. The accumulation of particular abnormal proteins, including amyloid-? (A?) among others, in patients' brains plays a central role in this disease. Prof. Frank Heppner from the Department of Neuropathology at Charit? and his colleague Prof. Burkhard Becher from the Institute for Experimental Immunology at the University of Zurich were able to show that turning off particular cytokines (immune system signal transmitters) reduced the Alzheimer's typical amyloid-? deposits in mice with the disease. As a result, the strongest effects were demonstrated after reducing amyloid-? by approximately 65 percent, when the immune molecule p40 was affected, which is a component of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-12 and -23.

Relevant for human therapy

Follow-up experiments also relevant for humans showed that substantial improvements in behavioral testing resulted when mice were given the antibody blocking the immune molecule p40. This effect was also achieved when the mice were already showing symptoms of the disease. Based on the current study by Prof. Heppner's and Prof. Becher's team, the level of p40 molecules is higher in Alzheimer's patients' brain fluid, which is in agreement with a recently published study by American colleagues demonstrating increased p40 levels in blood plasma of subjects with Alzheimer's disease, thus showing obvious relevance for human therapy.

The significance of the immune system in Alzheimer's research is the focus of current efforts. Prof. Heppner and Prof. Becher suspect that cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 themselves are not causative in the pathology, and that the mechanism of the immune molecule p40 in Alzheimer's requires additional clarification. However, they are convinced that the results of their six-years of research work justify the step toward clinical studies in humans, for which they plan to collaborate with a suitable industrial partner.

IIn the context of other illnesses, such as psoriasis, a medication that suppresses p40 in humans has already been applied. "Based on the safety data in patients," comment Profs. Heppner and Becher, "clinical studies could now be implemented without delay. Now, the goal is to bring the new therapeutic approach to Alzheimer patients quickly."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Zurich.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Johannes vom Berg, Stefan Prokop, Kelly R Miller, Juliane Obst, Roland E K?lin, Ileana Lopategui-Cabezas, Anja Wegner, Florian Mair, Carola G Schipke, Oliver Peters, York Winter, Burkhard Becher, Frank L Heppner. Inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 signaling reduces Alzheimer's disease?like pathology and cognitive decline. Nature Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nm.2965

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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112 killed in fire at Bangladesh garment factory

Relatives of garment factory workers killed in a fire cry as they come to collect bodies from a mortuary in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a late Saturday night fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday. (AP Photo/Khurshed Rinku)

Relatives of garment factory workers killed in a fire cry as they come to collect bodies from a mortuary in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a late Saturday night fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday. (AP Photo/Khurshed Rinku)

Bangladeshi firefighters battle a fire at a garment factory in the Savar neighborhood in Dhaka, Bangladesh, late Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday. (AP Photo/Hasan Raza)

Bangladeshi police officers stand guard outside a burnt garment factory outside Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a late Saturday night fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday. (AP Photo/Khurshed Rinku)

A Bangladeshi police official inspects the burnt garment factory in the Savar neighborhood outside Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday Nov. 25, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a late Saturday night fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday.(AP Photo/ khurshed Rinku)

A Bangladeshi police officer stands guard outside the burnt garment factory outside Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Nov. 25, 2012. At least 112 people were killed in a late Saturday night fire that raced through the multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday. (AP Photo/ khurshed Rinku)

(AP) ? At least 112 people were killed in a fire that raced through a multi-story garment factory just outside of Bangladesh's capital, an official said Sunday.

The blaze broke out at the seven-story factory operated by Tazreen Fashions late Saturday. By Sunday morning, firefighters had recovered 100 bodies, fire department Operations Director Maj. Mohammad Mahbub told The Associated Press.

He said another 12 people who had suffered injuries after jumping from the building to escape the fire later died at hospitals. The death toll could rise as the search for victims was continuing, he said.

Local media reported that up to 124 people were killed in the fire. The cause of the blaze was not immediately clear, and authorities have ordered an investigation.

Bangladesh has some 4,000 garment factories, many without proper safety measures. The country annually earns about $20 billion from exports of garment products, mainly to the United States and Europe.

Relatives of the factory workers were frantically looking for their loved ones. Sabina Yasmine said she saw the body of her daughter-in-law, who died in the fire, but had no trace of her son, who also worked at the factory.

"Oh, Allah, where's my soul? Where's my son?" wailed Yasmine, who works at another factory in the area. "I want the factory owner to be hanged. For him, many have died, many have gone."

Mahbub said firefighters recovered 69 bodies from the second floor of the factory alone. He said most of the victims had been trapped inside the factory, located just outside of Dhaka, with no emergency exits leading outside the building.

Many workers who had taken shelter on the roof of the factory were rescued, but firefighters were unable to save those who were trapped inside, Mahbub said.

He said the fire broke out on the ground floor, which was used as a warehouse, and spread quickly to the upper floors.

"The factory had three staircases, and all of them were down through the ground floor," Mahbub said. "So the workers could not come out when the fire engulfed the building."

"Had there been at least one emergency exit through outside the factory, the casualties would have been much lower," he said.

Many of the victims were burned beyond recognition. The recovered bodies were kept in rows on the premise of a nearby school.

Army soldiers and paramilitary border guards were deployed to help police keep the situation under control as thousands of onlookers and anxious relatives of the factory workers gathered at the scene, Mahbub said. He would not say how many people were still missing.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed shock at the loss of so many lives in the blaze and asked authorities to conduct thorough search-and-rescue operations.

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association said it would stand by the victims' families.

Bangladesh's garment factories make clothes for brands including Wal-Mart, JC Penney, H&M, Marks & Spencer, Carrefour and Tesco.

Separately, a flyover under construction fell onto a busy market, leaving at least 14 people dead including three construction workers in southeastern city of Chittagong, an official said Sunday.

Local fire official Abdul Mannan said the concrete structure collapsed on Saturday night, and authorities recovered the bodies by Sunday morning from under the debris in the second-largest city after Dhaka.

Associated Press


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Holyoke Mayor Ran As Gaming Opponent, Now Supports Casino Bid

HOLYOKE, Mass. (AP) ? A western Massachusetts mayor whose opposition to casino plans helped him win last year?s election at age 22 is now supporting a bid to bring a gambling resort to town.

Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse is expected to announce Monday that he is backing plans for a casino near Interstate 91 on the side of Mount Tom.

Morse says he changed his mind because a casino would be a big boost to the city?s struggling economy. He acknowledges flip-flopping on the issue and is prepared for a backlash, but he says it?s in the best interests of the city.

A 1-year-old law allows up to three resort-style casinos in Massachusetts, but just one in the western part of the state. Three major casino operators have proposed gambling resorts in Springfield.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.


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10 Reasons To Adopt A Senior Pet - Life with Cerebellar Hypoplasia ...

November is known for many things ? football, Thanksgiving, the change of seasons. But did you also know that November is Adopt a Senior Pet month?

Eloise is a 17-year-old lady available for adoption in Chicago. Click the link for more info!

Like special needs cats, senior pets are considered less adoptable. There are many reasons people shy away from adopting senior pets, but that doesn?t make them any less incredible.

If you or a friend have been considering adopting, please read and share these 10 reasons to adopt a senior pet.

1.?Some folks may think they can?t face losing a pet who they?ve adopted recently. But just think about the end of this animal?s life ??doesn?t he or she deserve the best last few months or years possible? Sometimes the best decisions in life are less about us and focused on the needs of another.

2. That said, some potential adopters may not be ready for a 15-20+ year-long commitment to a pet. A senior pet can be an excellent option for folks like the elderly or people with certain long-term plans. This doesn?t mean adopting a senior pet is a less serious commitment, but it could be a shorter one.

3. Senior pets, especially those who have lived most of their lives at a shelter, seem to understand when they?ve been adopted, and they?re thankful for it. If you?re looking for an instant bond with an adopted pet, this is one great way to get it!

4. What you see with senior pets is usually what you?ll get. This can make the adoption process so much easier since you already know the animal?s size,?temperament?and health history and concerns (if any). Often their personalities are already developed, so they won?t be such a mystery. That said, some pets who have lived out their whole lives in a shelter may even blossom when they come home.?

5. But don?t take #4 to mean that senior pets are stuck in their ways. In fact, senior pets can be taught new tricks ? contrary to the saying. For example, older cats have longer attention spans and can control their impulses more so than a younger cat. Since they?re calmer and have more life experience around humans, they can better understand what we?re asking of them, too.

Photo courtesy bohemiandolls

6. Depending on the pet, senior pets may require less (intense) exercise or stimulation. This is excellent news for folks who don?t have the time to always amuse their kitten or take an energetic dog on a long walk or run.

7. Senior pets don?t require around-the-clock care like young cats and dogs do. Forget taking a puppy out at all hours or wondering if your kitten has forgotten where the litter pan is located. Senior pets are already toilet trained, plus they?re generally familiar with proper household behavior and etiquette.

8. Sooner or later, all pets learn what?s important in life: love, naps and food. And how can you blame them? This relaxed lifestyle, with some exercise thrown in, can be a senior pet?s (and his owner?s) dream.

9. If you?re looking for a pet who will seamlessly become a part of your life, consider a senior pet, especially one who has already lived in a home. They often know what it means to live in a home and get along with others, and this could mean that they settle in quickly.

10. And lastly, as mentioned above, senior cats are some of the most difficult to home. Please don?t deny a cat or dog a chance at experiencing a forever family simply because her age is in the double digits or she has a few gray hairs.

Have I missed anything? Have you adopted a senior pet? Did it change your life? How? Please share in the comments!


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