Thursday, September 6, 2012

When my strength is gone ? LH Kids & Teens Link

September 6, 2012 at 7:11 am livinghopeomaha

Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.? ~Psalm 71:9

As this devotion is being written, the 2012 Summer Olympics are drawing to a close.? We saw some amazing things:? Michael Phelps winning a record number of medals, athletes setting speed records on the track, and teenagers winning multiple gold medals in swimming and in gymnastics.? We applauded them for their accomplishments and rightly so.

Now as you read this, the Olympic Games are over and the medals have perhaps already been placed in safe-keeping.? More time will pass and before long these athletes will retire due to age.? Already in their 30?s, many of these athletes will be too old to compete in the next Olympics.

Time gets the better of all of us, even the greats like Michael Phelps.? David writes Psalm 71in his old age and he paints a sobering picture for us all.? In verse 9 we read: ?Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.?? We can all feel it, no matter what age we are.? We are not as spry as we used to be.? Our strength and endurance keep sliding away.? It happened to David.? It happens to us all.

One may view this as a depressing fact of life.? David saw it as an opportunity to focus on the one thing that really matters. In verse 15 he said, ?My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure.?

In the end, it will not matter how many medals we won or what we accomplished in this world.? All the good that we do will not matter, because it can never outweigh or remove all of our sins. All that will matter is whether or not we have the free gift of salvation?a gift that only God can provide; a gift provided through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Whatever age you are, devote your energy to learning more about your Savior Jesus.? Our strength will fade, but salvation in Christ will last forever.

Prayer:? Heavenly Father, teach me to despair of my own strength for eternal life.? Help me focus on the salvation Christ has won for me.? Amen.

Today?s Devotion is brought to you by WELS and

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