Saturday, September 29, 2012

Social Phobia Disorder Treatment

Social phobia anxiety disorder. What comes to mind? What are the primary signs and symptoms? How is it assessed and diagnosed by clinical psychologists? What are the neurological and psychological causes? What are the medical treatments? Is cognitive behaviour therapy and cognitive restructuring available?

One of the most frequent forms of specific anxiety disorders is social phobia which affects 1% of both men and women worldwide. Essentially, social phobia occurs where this is profound fear of people watching you and judging you in critical ways. Many more of us suffer from this condition than we realize. To some extent, it carries on from social group peer pressures during adolescence into adulthood.

Primary signs and symptoms of this condition are shyness during childhood leading to poor social skills and avoidance strategies. Fear of being watched and judged by peers leads to fear of embrassment and feelings of inadequacy, fear of being rejected, desire for social approval, being awkward in social situations and being uncomfortable where there is the need for social interaction. Fear of attending social events is another symptom. Having poor self-image and low self-esteem is one of the primary signs and symptoms.

Early childhood events and experiences or inherited biological traits are the primary causes of social phobia anxiety disorder allthough these can be overcome. Failure to learn social skills while growing up is the main shared factor in all the cases of social phobia anxiety disorder. Inherited traits occur where the parent may have had social phobia and becomes a world-class warrior about dangers in the world outside the front door.

Some typical examples include shy children raised in isolation by either overcritical and psychologically abusive parents where there is no interaction with other children leading to the development of social skills or the fear of being teased and constant criticism from others because of difficulties with the language, culture and being socially awkward.

Not every case of social phobia anxiety occurs during childhood however. Sometimes during the student years events occur which trigger later social phobia. Such as situation specific events like public speaking or speaking before groups. Any bad experience or traumatic event can lead to the fear of being in social situations and can become genuinely terrifying. Presentations in front of others where there are high expectations can lead to social phobia if it leads to feelings of failure, being useless and being self-critical.

Cognitive behaviour therapy is the best treatment rather than any medical treatment. Social education classes where social skills are learned to increase confidence leading to self-improvement are the answer. Changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts is the real secret to this form of therapy.

Learning social cues and how to respond to them as much as learning psychological cues by cognitive restructuring in self-help groups is the best form of treatment. By challenging the memory of events stored in the amygdala, negative events can be eliminated. Learning to treat others as you wish to be treated so as to establish relationships is the answer to overcoming social phobia anxiety.


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