Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Could Nokia announce an Android smartphone later today? Nah, that's crazy talk!

Android Central

Nokia are holding a press event later today and all eyes are on new Windows Phone 8 hardware that we expect to see. However, the Finnish company sent out a rather interesting tweet a short time ago with the above photo:

Breakfast in New York on a big day for us! Today we dine on Jellybeans

Could this mean they are also going to entering the wonderful world of Android? We all know that Symbian is a dying platform for them and even though they have partnered with Microsoft to produce Windows Phones their market share is still falling on a global basis. They make glorious hardware, that can't be denied. Could they have have seen sense and realized that Android is the way forward?

I strongly suspect not. I think it is more likely they are teasing us Android lovers. With their deep commitment to Windows Phone and still producing S60 devices I'm pretty sure they have enough on their plate with two/three OS's. They are just messing with us the cheeky scallywags.

We will clearly keep you updated on any developing news but if you fancy keeping a close eye on tthe Windows Phone news please visit our sister site wpcentral.


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