Monday, January 7, 2013

Will We Come to Grips with Nuclear Weapons? (preview)

Cover Image: January 2013 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

If the world can't manage to cast off the ultimate weapons by the middle of the century, we may face extinction

liftoff, nuclear weapon illustration, nuclear disarmament decision day, nuclear weapon management Image: Tavis Coburn

The Science Of The Next 150 Years: 50 Years in the Future

As we look back from the perspective of NDDD?Nuclear Disarmament Decision Day on August 8, 2063?it is still not clear how the first ?small? nuclear war started in 2024. Yet it is clear that once it happened, things changed. The survivors saw that nuclear war was no longer a fantasy; nuclear extinction the next time was no longer an impossibility. The reality sunk in that deterrence could fail, accidents could happen, terrorists could steal warheads. A nuclear bomb with no return address could be detonated and start a conflagration. A billion people could die.

This article was originally published with the title The Nuclear Question.


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