Monday, January 14, 2013

CNN?s Anderson Cooper Targets Florida Teacher Over His Sandy Hook Questions

from MOXNEWSd0tC0M:

[Ed. Note: This is EXACTLY why SGTreport has stayed away from some of the more fringe questions surrounding the Sandy Hook massacre. Instead, we have asked and continue to ask, who was the man police arrested in the woods? Who were the two men police detained fleeing the scene in a van? Why is the black Honda, which authorities have claimed is Nancy Lanza's driven to the school by Adam Lanza, registered to a narcotics trafficker not Lanza? Where is the video footage that would prove Adam Lanza was the lone shooter? According to CNN, if you question any aspect of the Sandy Hook massacre, you are a "paranoid person". At the 17:30 mark they trash the 9/11 truth movement and author David Ray Griffin as well. Despite this mockingbird media propaganda, for those who can still think, watch this. ]


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