Saturday, February 2, 2013

Verizon Business Security Blog ? Blog Archive ? Weekly Intelligence ...

Dave Kennedy
February 1st, 2013

The RISK Team assesses there were no significant changes in the risk environment this week for Verizon Enterprise clients.? Tuesday (US time) we published our assessment of Rapid7?s UPnP vulnerabilities. We know our Security Management Program clients are not exposing UPnP to the Internet and we assess other enterprises with robust security architectures have little risk exposure.? Thursday, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal reported intrusions probably (75% ?12%) attributable to the People?s Republic of China.? But there is precious little new intelligence so far.? ?Round up the usual suspects applies;? attackers probably used spear phishing to gain entry followed by lateral exploitation to domain controllers and selected workstations of interest and used complex measures to prevent back-tracking.? Two rounds of Facebook attacks were reported by ESET and Bluecoat. ZDNet reported a watering-hole Java attack on UAE activists. Sophos reported Point of Sale systems in Canada targeted by a Citadel banking Trojan, but VISA card holders in Canada were spared on Tuesday by a near-nationwide outage. Other outages and ?snow days on the Internet? were reported for Twitter, Facebook and Amazon. Pretty much ?same stories, different days.?

The paragraph above is taken from the executive summary of the RISK?Team?s weekly INTSUM report.Verizon security product customers should?access the full INTSUM via your portal.


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