Sunday, October 14, 2012

Home-Based Business | Network Marketing: Real Life Marketing At ...

Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs/MLM'ers/Affiliates,

In this post, I'll offer you a link to a blog I just formed inside of an Internet Marketing Place of Learning, as it works on what's called "New Economy" reliable learning.

It's called the?Open Education Project where you don't have to be accepted to a major university to learn what's required.

This link should take you to the project.? It is called Wealthy a learning place for new and seasoned Internet Marketers scratching their heads..., but wanting to know what's absolutely involved in creating an effective marketing campaign.

This link will show you 3 steps involved in a great rock band marketing their first annual Caribbean Cruise, scheduled for March 2013.

You should see 3 agreeable steps in this real campaign:

1)? A Facebook Page

Where rock band fans visit and share helpful tips involving cruise planning.

2)? The Official Rock Band Website

3)? The Official Cruise Website

Not listed by specific order.? These are the only things you need online to make a go of it..., but note all details on these pages.? See how everything fits together.

It doesn't matter what you move as long as your messages are consistent, and content varies from website to website a bit.? You don't want to website that look identical, according to Google.

Toasting Your Success Online,

Barbara Brinkmeyer, MBA


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