Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Pantheon and Available Spots


Naisia - Goddess of good and life
She appears as a female angel with white robes and white wings. She has long brown hair and blue eyes. The race she made where the humans, along with Gareoth. She is one of the leaders of the gods and goddesses, along side with Gareoth.

Champion: (OPEN)

Gareoth - God of evil and death
He appears as a man with black demon wings and a black leather coat. He has short 'emo' hair that covers one of his eyes. He has red eyes. He also made humans along with Naisia.

Champion: (OPEN)

Spaiyia - Goddess of destiny and prophecy
She appears as a wise and youthful woman with a grey cloak that also has a hood which covers her head. Her hair is pure white and her eyes are white as well, like a blind person will have. She always knows the future and knows everything that will happen. She even warned the others of The Destroyer and how he will release from his prison, so now the gods and goddesses are seeking a champion. She made the Thins who are tall and skinny and have grey-blue skin and six black eyes. They are very silent most of the time and peaceful. The Thins are also very youthful.

Champion: (OPEN)

Neo - God of insanity and illusions
He appears as two things. He will mostly choose to be a jester if he feels REALLY insane. The jester's costume is blood red and he juggles skulls. His hat also has spikes sticking out where bells should be. In other times he will appear as a magician of such with a magic cane and pale skin. The magician will also have a magic top hat which can fit millions of things. He made the Chimera Kin race. The Chimera Kin are usually a bundle of a bunch of animals fitted into either a four legged or a two legged. They vary in looks due to the bunch of animals that can be mixed. They are very beastly and are kept away from.

Champion: (OPEN)

Iansa - Goddess of disease and mutation
She appears as a green skinned woman with elf like ears. She has a torn up dress and long pure black hair. Her eyes are reptilian like and have a green tone color. She made the Amazio. The Amazio live in swamps and are reptilian with scaly skin and reptilian like features. They can breath in water for a long period of time and have different variants of the reptile they are half of.

Champion: (OPEN)

Abala - God of the sun and justice
He is seen in shining gold armor and has angel wings that also have armor on. He is also semi-muscular and has a helmet which covers his face. He made the Justiciers, a race of angelic humans that are very holy and fight for light. They usually follow the places where ever day is and age slowly. They also never sleep and keep watch for any evil.

Champion: (OPEN)

Lila - Goddess of fire and anger
She appears as a woman with brown leather armor and short orange hair which sticks up. Her eyes are pure orange-red and her skin is more tanned. She made the Flamed. They have obsidian skin and have the blood of lava. They are also fire-proof and are very dim witted.

Champion: (OPEN)

Gorco - God of carnivores, meat, forests and the hunt
He appears as a muscular man with the skins of animals to dress him. He has pure green eyes and a goat's skin covering his head. He made the Huangrai. They are usually big a bulky with similar features of certain animals like wolves or bears. They only eat meat and never eat vegetables.

Champion: (OPEN)

Niina - Goddess of traitors, lies, and envy
She appears as a pale woman with a wicked black and skinny dress. Her nails are claws and teeth are sharp. She made the Vonkyroth, a race of vampire-like creatures. They are blinded by light and have pure red eyes. They feast on blood and flesh of others and are pale skinned, sharp clawed, and sharp teethed like their goddess.

Champion: (OPEN)

Seema - Goddess of summer and harvest
She is one of the four goddesses of the seasons. She appears as a young woman with a dress made of all grass. Her hair has a lively rainbow coloring to it. She made a variant of the Elves, ones that are very light and have bigger and more green eyes. They also have black hair. All Elves are known to be youthful.

Champion: (OPEN)

Cahi - Goddess of winter, silence, and stealth
She is the second of the four goddesses of the seasons. She appears as a young woman with grey and white hair. She also has a dress that is partially torn apart. Her skin is cold and pure white. She made the second variant of the Elves. This variant has more grey skin and are sometimes blind, forcing them to depend on sound. They have smaller eyes and bigger ears. Their hair is also short and grey. They are more beastly and brutal then most Elves.

Tiyua - Goddess of spring and revival
She is the third of the goddesses of the seasons. She appears as a tough woman with leather armor. Her hair is more short and brown. She made the variant of the Elves. They have blonde hair and smaller eyes, making them look more human then Elf, yet they still keep their youthfulness and ears.

Adata - Goddess of fall and fear
She is the fourth of the goddess of the seasons. She appears as a woman in a dark orange dress and with darkness surrounding her facial features, making her look wicked. She made the most wicked of the Elf variants, the dark elves. They are more wicked and mischievous. They have purple skin, light purple long hair, and dark purple eyes.

Siktho - God of games, competition, and pride

Ze'uoth - God of greed, gambling, and wealth

Ruauk - God of torture and punishment

Ktulak - God of earth, minerals, mountains, and the underground

Jayil - Goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and magic

Jo'uon - God of shadows, and the unknown

Juoil - God of strength, weapons, and conflict

Tess'ract - God of electricity and technology

Tinya - Goddess of history and art

Ghatra - God of deceit and music

Yougha - God of the moon and freedom

Ballrok - God of beasts, dungeons, and heroes

Yila - Goddess of the oceans

Kough'ra - God of the sky and storms

Jaina - Goddess of necromancy and revenge

Uougrath - God of chaos and change

Hirya - Goddess of order and peace

Xorthya - Goddess of sympathy

Philro - God of love and compassion

Wtuio - Goddess of dreams, colors, and imagination


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