Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keen's Goals for 2013 | Keen and Graev's Gaming Blog

Making goals is a New Year?s tradition.? I want to set some goals and share them with you all to help keep me accountable.? These are goals related to the blog, gaming, and other related activities.

  • Find an MMO and stick with it for at least 4 months.

Playing MMO?s is my hobby.? Some people collect stamps, some build models, but I like to immerse myself in a good role playing game with an online community.?? For the past few years I haven?t managed to stick with any MMO for more than 4 months at a time before moving on to another.? This year I pledge to find any MMO and stick with it for at least 4 months.? It doesn?t have to be a new release.

  • ?Write more creative pieces about my ideal MMO

As I mentioned in my review of 2012, I spend a lot of time this past year writing about the state of what is instead of writing about how I think things could be.? In the past I have written several gems that I think get lost in the archives of the blog.? I want to revisit old ideas, come up with new ones, and really expound upon the ideas I have for the perfect MMO.

We have an awesome forum community. People come and post about upcoming games, post gaming sales, form guilds, and just have a good time talking with and meeting like-minded gamers.? Our forums are awesome.? I want to increase the traffic they receive, and keep them the same.? What I want to change are the guilds we form.? I?m not happy with how I?ve handled them, and I?m not happy with how they end up when people start to move on to another game.? If you?re looking for a guild of awesome people that can be your friends, and play more than just one game with you, then I want KGC to be the guild you want to join.? We?re going to have more structure, accomplish more, yet still maintain that unshakable dedication to community.?? Come check us out in 2013.? If you played with us in the past, come back and see what has changed.

We started our live screaming two summers ago, but never devoted a lot of time or effort toward streaming regularly.? I wanted to this past year, but one thing led to another and ultimately I didn?t make it a priority.? I think it would be fun to always stream what I?m playing, or at least set up a schedule to allow our readers to watch as I play certain games.? Graev and I have toyed with the idea of a unique approach to live streaming; We think some type of review show where we regularly review games while playing them would be beneficial to our readers and even attract new visitors to the blog.

I want to be able to give things away to our visitors.? They don?t have to be full priced games or expensive hardware.? Maybe Steam gift cards, or keys to beta tests would be enough.? Do we need to do giveaways?? No.? 2012 was the busiest year for traffic we?ve ever had and none of it had to do with giving away free stuff.? It?s less about bringing people here, and more about wanting to thank you guys for constantly making my day by engaging with me in conversations, debates, and teaching me new things.

I added a K&G Newsletter widgets to the sidebar of the blog.? You can enter your email address, then confirm your subscription via email, and start receiving our newsletter.? I think I?ll send out two regular issues a month, and add additional ones for special occasions.? Maybe I?ll use the newsletter to help pick winners for the giveaways.? Regardless, these newsletters will help keep you connected to the best content on our blog.? My goal is to make it happen.

from your own site.


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